Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting to know St. Clare of Montefalco

Cross imprinted in her heart.  Born in Montefalco, Italy, in a well-to-do family.  She entered the convent of the Third Order of St. Francis at a very young age where she joined her sister Joan.  In there she had experience a very monastic life and also a very prayerful life with God.

1294 was a decisive year in Clare's spiritual life. In the celebration of the Epiphany, after making a general confession in front of all her fellow nuns, she fell into ecstacy and remained in that state for several weeks. Unable to eat, the nuns maintained Clare's life by giving her sugar water. During this time, Clare reported having a vision in which she saw herself being judged in front of God.  Clare also reported having a vision of Jesus dressed as a poor traveler. She described his countenance as being overwhelmed by the weight of the cross and his body as showing the signs of a hard way loading the cross. During the vision, Clare kneeled in front of him trying to stop him and asked him, "My Lord, where are thy going?" Jesus answered her: ”I have looked all over the world for a strong place where to plant this Cross firmly, and I have not found any". After she reached for the cross, making known her desire to help Jesus carry it, He said to her: "Clare, I have found a place for my cross here. I have finally found someone to whom I can trust my cross", and it was implanted in her heart. The intense pain that she felt in all her being when receiving the Cross of Jesus in her heart remained with her. The rest of her years were spent in pain and suffering, and yet she continued to serve her nuns joyfully as their abbess. (wiki.org)

She led an austere life, being particularly devoted to the Passion of Christ and His Cross. When Clare died in 1308, an image of the Cross was found imprinted on her heart, and her body remained incorrupt. Whe was canonized in 1881 by Pope Leo XIII. Her feast day is August 17th. The life of St. Clare reminds us that we are all called to a life of prayer and dedication. Still, we must not expect or anticipate special favors. We are to be satisfied with the simple relationship we establish with God. (catholic.org)

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